12 February 2014

Irish Green-hilled Future

I imagine you are probably wondering about my choice of background for this page, and my choice of web address for my blog. "Irish green-hilled future" doesn't sound very mission-y. But it holds a special significance to me. I had a dream where Jesus pointed to rolling green hills and said, "This is your future." The words came at a time when I was not so receptive to them. There was more to the dream, of course. But in the dream, I knew He was referring to the Irish isle, and so the bottom line was a sort of promise: This is where you are going. Those rolling green hills were empty, meaning anything could be there; I have no idea what to expect as far as God's plan for me. But I am confident that he wants me to go.

Ever before me in my mind's eye are those rolling green hills--not as a tourist destination, but as a place toward which to set my face as flint, knowing that I go to die to myself, and lose everything with the possibility of gaining everything.

1 comment:

  1. "a place toward which to set my face as flint, knowing that I go to die to myself, and lose everything with the possibility of gaining everything."

    Dani, this is so beautiful, I have tears as I read this! I know you pretty well, and I am still amazed at your resolve to do what He calls you to do! Thank you for being that example to me, throughout your "short" ;-) life!!

    I know He will be with you every step of the way! And we will be behind rooting you on!
    <3 <3
