Alright, everything is happening pretty quickly now, so here's a summary since I last updated:
My mail tracker informed me that my visa arrived in New York on Monday. On Thursday I received an email informing me that my visa application had been received, opened, and prepared for processing. Now all I can do is wait, and pray. According to the website, processing for my type of visa usually happens within 10 days. Let's pray it's less than that; we're cutting it pretty close as it is.
Thursday was immunization day. I got vaccinated for Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Tetanus--all of which I had been vaccinated for before, but had expired at the 5- or 10-year mark. The shots weren't all that painful at the time, but man, that nurse wasn't kidding when she said my arms would be sore! (It makes sleeping very uncomfortable still.) The nurse highly recommended a Yellow Fever vaccination for the region I might end up in in Africa for the outreach phase, but I don't know yet whether I need that.
Thursday and Friday were packing days. Two ladies from church graciously volunteered to help me pack up my stuff from all around the house I share with my roommates (one of whom brought boxes), and another lady from my church community group dropped off a bunch of boxes as well. My mom brought the bubble wrap, paper, and tape. It was quite the packing party. Thanks to them, all of my books, kitchen stuff, decor, and some of my closet are packed. Today I managed to do a little more by myself. Thank you, ladies! You have all been a huge blessing!
I have raised about half of my funds. Thank you SO much to those of you who have given to fund my trip! You have stunned me with your generosity.
Please continue to pray that my visa will be processed quickly. I would LOVE to be notified of acceptance ASAP, by the end of this week at the latest (as my time grows short). Please also pray that God will place on people's hearts to give to fund the work that He wants me to be a part of in Northern Ireland; He has already proven that He can. You can also pray that the rest of the packing and moving will go smoothly. We will be moving things out on Wednesday night. I still need to buy my plane ticket, as I have been waiting on my visa, so that is another thing to pray for.
We are blessed and amazed at all God is doing to allow you to serve Him in Northern Ireland! As a teenager to a young woman now, a dream is finally being fulfilled! Now to wait and see if truly N.I. is the place God has for you! So exciting!! <3 We are priviledged to be a part of this and to watch in wonder at all He is doing!! To God be the glory!!