17 March 2014

Pre-DTS Weekend

Yesterday Renee, Nashed, and I explored around town. We went to breakfast at a coffee shop called The Old School House, had an interesting conversation with an older Irish gentleman (who told a story in which we were married to one another--to our hysterical bafflement, which we held in until after he left), and then ventured into the local park. The park was full of rolling green hills, but also had a random woodsy area. It was surrounded by an old stone wall. We did not go to the two-story cafe in the center, or find the trail to the mountain, but we did find a fenced-off exercise section, which we had WAY too much fun playing around in.

Later, we accepted an invitation to a pub to get our first taste of live Irish music. We had fun, but it started late at night, and by the end we were all very tired.

Today, we attended an Anglican church in Newry, called St. Patrick's. The worship was surprisingly contemporary, and the teaching very down-to-Earth. The people were warm and welcoming, and even let us join them afterward for some Irish stew in honor of Saint Patrick's Day! The sight of a flute player made me sorely miss playing my flute in worship. I'm starting to regret not bringing it. But there may yet be a solution for that...

After that, we went to a grocery store resembling a SuperWalmart (only better), which revolutionized our idea of two-story shopping by utilizing a cross between a moving sidewalk and an escalator that magnetized the wheels of the shopping carts to stick to its slope while transporting them (and us) to the second floor. The rest of the day was pretty low-key as our remaining group members slowly trickled in as they arrived, until finally it came time for the welcome dinner YWAM threw for us in honor of the beginning of our Discipleship Training School to help introduce us to the staff.

Tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day--a national holiday, and the first day of Orientation Week for our DTS.

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